Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Meeting Marmande October 3rd

Al llegar al instituto, fuimos recibidos por el director, que nos dio la bienvenida con unas amables palabras.
When we first arrived at school, we were welcomed by the headmaster, Monsieur Nicolon.

Después, la banda del centro tocó un par de canciones.
Later, the school band played a couple of songs

Los socios presentaron los diferentes trabajos realizados durante las semanas previas al encuentro.
The partner schools presented the work carried out during the weeks previous to the meeting.

Se realizaron algunos juegos para que los chicas y chicas empezaran a conocerse.
Later, some games were played that allowed the boys and girls to break the ice and begin to know each other. 

Durante la tarde, los alumnos trabajaron en cuatro talleres que giraron en torno a cuatro aspectos: memoria escrita, memoria sonora, memoria grabada y memoria colectiva.
After the lunch break, students worked in four workshops which focused on four different aspects of memory: written memory, aural memory, recorded memory and collective memory.

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