Friday, 27 May 2016
Thursday, 26 May 2016
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
Monday, 16 May 2016
Do people of similar age but different origin have common memories?
Each partner school was assigned one of these
topics: school, economic activity/food, free time and family/migration. Students
prepared a questionnaire related to the topic they had been assigned. They
interviewed elderly people and each partner collected all the answers to the
topic they were in charge of. Then, they compared the answers from the four
countries and prepared a presentation explaining the conclusions they had come
Family-Migration from Mnemosine on Vimeo.
Do people of similar age but different origin have common memories?
Each partner school was assigned one of these
topics: school, economic activity/food, free time and family/migration. Students
prepared a questionnaire related to the topic they had been assigned. They
interviewed elderly people and each partner collected all the answers to the
topic they were in charge of. Then, they compared the answers from the four
countries and prepared a presentation explaining the conclusions they had come
Economic activities-Food from Mnemosine on Vimeo.
Do people of similar age but different origin have common memories?
Each partner school was assigned one of these
topics: school, economic activity/food, free time and family/migration. Students
prepared a questionnaire related to the topic they had been assigned. They
interviewed elderly people and each partner collected all the answers to the
topic they were in charge of. Then, they compared the answers from the four
countries and prepared a presentation explaining the conclusions they had come
Free time from Mnemosine on Vimeo.
Do people of similar age but different origin have common memories?
Each partner school was assigned one of these
topics: school, economic activity/food, free time and family/migration. Students
prepared a questionnaire related to the topic they had been assigned. They
interviewed elderly people and each partner collected all the answers to the
topic they were in charge of. Then, they compared the answers from the four
countries and prepared a presentation explaining the conclusions they had come
School from Mnemosine on Vimeo.
Sunday, 15 May 2016
Do students of similar age but different origin have common ideas and feelings about an old photo?
Do students of similar age but different origin have common ideas and feelings about an old photo?
Do students of similar age but different origin have common ideas and feelings about an old photo?
Do students of similar age but different origin have common ideas and feelings about an old photo?
Do students of similar age but different origin have common ideas and feelings about an old photo?
Do students of similar age but different origin have common ideas and feelings about an old photo?
Do students of similar age but different origin have common ideas and feelings about an old photo?
Thursday, 12 May 2016
Meeting Frankfurt April 30th
De vuelta a casa
Este viaje ha sido una experiencia única que me gustaría mucho repetir. Además de trabajar en el proyecto y mejorar nuestro inglés, hemos hecho nuevos amigos alemanes, franceses e italianos con los que seguiremos en contacto a pesar de la distancia.
Tanto los profesores como los alumnos nos acogieron con los brazos abiertos y nos trataron muy bien. Lo que más me gusto fue poder ir a clase en Alemania y conocer las diferencias que hay entre su instituto y el nuestro.
Creo que lo que menos nos gustó a todos fue que nos tuvimos que ir justo cuando nos estábamos conociendo más los unos a los otros. Si tuviera la oportunidad de volver a viajar a cualquier otro país de intercambio sin duda lo haría.
Nadya Sergeeva
IES Ramón y Cajal
Back home!
This trip has been an experience that I would love to repeat. Not only have we worked in the project and improved our English, but we have made new German, French and Italian friends we will keep in touch with in spite of the distance.
Both teachers and students received us with open arms and treated us really well. What I liked best was the opportunity of attending some of the lessons and observe the differences between the German school and ours.
I think what we liked the least was that we had to leave just when we were beginning to know each other. If I had the chance to take part in another students' exchange, no doubt, I'd do it.
Meeting Frankfurt April 29th
viernes nos desplazamos a Assmannshausen, una pequeña ciudad a orillas del
Rhin, desde donde iniciamos un paseo atravesando viñedos y bosques de abedules,
mientras contemplábamos unas vistas espectaculares del río y del valle. Por la
tarde, se celebró una fiesta de despedida en la cual pudimos degustar diversos
platos preparados por las madres y padres de los alumnos.
On Friday we set off for Assmannhausen, a small town on the banks of river Rhin, from where we started a 9km walk through the vineyards and forests with spectacular views on the valley. In the evening, there was a farewell party with all the host families.
Meeting Frankfurt April 28th
Este día estuvo íntegramente dedicado a trabajar en otra de las
actividades del proyecto. Los estudiantes, trabajando en grupos formados por
miembros de las cuatro nacionalidades, elaboraron un informe que reflejaba las
conclusiones del trabajo que habían realizado durante los meses previos.
Students spent the whole day working in another activity project. They worked in mixed nationality groups and elaborated a report which contained the conclusions of the work they had carried out the previous months about the old photographs.
Meeting Frankfurt April 27th
El miércoles disfrutamos de una
visita a la ciudad de Frankfurt, a pesar del frío casi invernal que tuvimos que
sufrir. Después de hacer un recorrido por el centro histórico, pudimos entrar
en calor durante una travesía en barco por el Río Main a la vez que
contemplamos unas bonitas vistas de la ciudad. Más tarde fuimos al Ayuntamiento,
donde fuimos recibidos por uno de sus concejales, el Señor Muñoz del Río, que
hablaba un español perfecto, puesto que es natural
de Segovia. También estuvo presente el Cónsul español en Frankfurt, nada menos.
On Wednesday we enjoyed a visit to Frankfurt historic centre, in spite of the almost wintry weather we had to endure. Fortunately, we could warm up during a cruise along river Main as we watched some beautiful views of the city. Later, there was an official welcome at the Town Hall, where we were received by a member of the magistrate, Mr. Muñoz del Río, who spoke excellent Spanish as he was born in Segovia, a town close to Valladolid. The Spanish Consul in Frankfurt was also there.
Meeting Frankfurt April 26th
Visita al MPIBR –
Instituto Max Planck de Investigación Cerebral. Una visita que fue realmente
interesante, si bien es verdad que algunos de los conceptos que se trataron
fueron un poco complejos (la optogenética, por ejemplo). No obstante, las
actividades que tenían preparadas captaron la atención de todos: echar un
vistazo en el microscopio a unas láminas de cerebro de ratón y observar el
hipocampo, manipular jeringuillas y micropipetas en un ambiente estéril, ver
imágenes de neuronas teñidas de diferentes colores para permitir su estudio a
través del microscopio…
Visit to the MPIBR - Max Planck Institute for Brain Research. A visit which was interesting indeed, even if some of the concepts the students had to deal with were a bit complex (optogenetics, for example). Nevertheless, the activities that the young scientists had prepared captured everybody's attention: watching through the microscope thin layers of a mouse's brain and identify the hippocampus, handling syringes and pipettes in a sterile environment, observing images of neurons dyed in different colours so as to enable their study through the microscope...
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